As always, these articles are designed to help you work smarter, not harder. So, for Michael's final corner we have articles on modifying the action of the F1 key, no less than 3 Power Tool articles, including tips on zooming with your mouse, background hatch colours and text frames for Mtext. Thank you Michael for all you've done for the CADTutor community. I'm constantly surprised and delighted by how generous people are when sharing information, wisdom and experience on the Web and Michael is a prime example of how Tim Berners-Lee hoped people would share their knowledge. If Autodesk are listening, they should probably give him a medal for services to AutoCAD. Michael has written almost 600 articles for CADTutor in close to 150 monthly columns. I've been running the CADTutor website for 20 years and for the last 14 of those I've been ably assisted in that endeavour by Michael Beall who has consistently provided content of the highest quality. This month's Corner marks the end of an era. Michael’s Corner - October/November 2016 One-derful!!! To find out more or to order a copy, visit Michael's CAD Trainer Guy site.

The book is available in spiral-bound paper or as a PDF. Site News The AutoCAD Workbench, Final Editionįourteen year's worth of Michael's Corner has been completely updated for AutoCAD 2018 and is now available in the form of the AutoCAD Workbench, Final Edition. See all Images of the Week published in the last month.